Mann Island Properties Ltd is the Residential Landlord for x376 apartments which form part of the Mann Island Estate on the Liverpool Waterfront.

Under the terms of each original residential apartment Lease there is an obligation obliging the Tenant (apartment owner) to pay an annual ground rent to the Landlord (Mann Island Properties Ltd) which increases at several points over the term of the lease. The rent payable under your lease doubles every fifteen years from the term commencement date of the Lease for the first forty-five years of the term. The rent then increases in line with inflation every fifteen years thereafter.

The Landlord is happy to provide to each Tenant the opportunity to have the apartment Lease amended so that the provision resulting in the doubling of the rent is removed. The process for amending the Lease involves the Tenant entering into a legal document known as a “deed of variation” with the Landlord.

The Landlord will cover any associated costs incurred by the Tenant in relation to entering into the deed of variation up to a cost of £625 plus VAT subject to evidence of any such costs being provided.

If any Tenant wishes to proceed with amending their lease as set out above, they should complete the form which can be downloaded using the following link.